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Scientific Method Examples

        The scientific method is a process created in the seventeenth century through which hypotheses are developed, tested and either proven or disproven. It is the organized process of determining the accuracy of scientific theories through careful observation and experimentation.

Six Steps of the Scientific Method

        The scientific method is used when creating and executing an experiment. The purpose of the scientific method is to have a systematic way of testing ideas and reporting results in the process of scientific inquiry. A key component of the use of the scientific method is that it ensures that the experiment should be able to be replicated by anyone. If that is not possible, then the results are considered invalid.

The scientific method consists of six steps:

  1. Observation 

  2. Formulating Question.

  3. Formulating Hypothesis

  4. Testing the hypothesis in an experiment

  5. Analysis of Data

  6. Conclusion    

Example #1: Freezing Water

Consider how the scientific method applies in this simple experiment with freezing water under two different conditions.

1. Observation: It can be observed that the ice candy in our refrigerator freezes slower than pure ice.

2Question: Does water freezes faster when it's pure or when something is added into it such as sugar?


  • Null hypothesis: There is no difference in terms of the time it will take for the two containers to freeze.
  • Alternative hypothesis: There will be difference in the time it will take for the two containers to freeze.
    If water is place in a refrigerator without anything added to it, then it will freeze faster than when something is mixed into it.
4. Experiment: Two containers are filled with liquid water, Container A is pure water whereas Container B has some sugar mixed into it. The two containers were placed in the refrigerator at the same time. Separate timers are used to determine how long it took for each liquid placed in container to totally freeze.
5. Analysis of Data: Container A freezes totally after 3 hrs. while Container B took 3 hrs. and 34 minutes to freeze. If the time it took for each container to freeze is compared, one can say that pure water freezes faster than with water with sugar added into it.
6Conclusion: Therefore, the result of the experiment reject the null hypothesis and supports the alternative hypothesis that pure water freezes faster than water with something added into it.

In the case of this experiment, you may choose to vary the amount of sugar added (during step 3 of the scientific method above) to see if it alters the results as well. This could be a more robust experiment as you would then have additional data to report.

Example #2: Growing Bean Plants

Here is another example where the scientific method can be used to study the natural world.

1. Observation: I notice that a bean plant placed inside my house without direct sunlight has grown quite slowly.

2. Question: Does a bean plant grows faster when place outside with direct sunlight compared to when it is placed indoors?

3. Hypothesis: 

  • Null hypothesis: There will be no difference with the growth of bean plants regardless if placed indoors or outdoors.
  • Alternative Hypothesis: There will be significant difference between the growth of the bean plants, that is:
    If the bean plant is placed outdoors, then it will grow much faster.

4. Experiment: Two pots were prepared, Pot A has a bean plant placed indoors. Pot B is placed outdoors with direct sunlight. Both plant pots will receive equal amount of water for the duration of the experiment. The length of the plants will be measured and recorded daily for up to 3 weeks.

5. Analysis of Data: The bean plant placed indoors measures 3.2 inches after 3 weeks, while the bean plant placed outdoors with direct sunlight measures 7.4 inches after 3 weeks.

6. Conclusion: The result of the experiment rejects the null hypothesis and supports the alternative hypothesis that there is a significant difference in terms of growth of the bean plant. Therefore, the bean plant grows much faster when placed outdoors with direct sunlight. 



  2. the scientific method is like a water dispenser

  3. The scientific method is like a usb port to connect to.


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