Acids and Bases - LP


I.                   Objectives:
Given varied activities, the students with 80% proficiency will be able to:
a.       Explain the difference(s) between acids and bases
b.      Conduct an experiment to find out if a given sample is acidic or basic using an indicator.
c.       Give the importance acids and bases play in our modern society.

II.                Subject Matter
Topic: Acids and Bases
Values Integrated:
                      Cooperation, perseverance, self-confidence
       Skills Developed:
                     Critical thinking, metacognition, observation, manipulation
projector, laptop, pictures, laboratory sheet

III.             Procedure:
a.       Review
      The teacher will conduct a review of the previous topic by asking the following questions;
1.      What is matter?
2.      What are the states of matter?
3.      What are the differences between substance and mixture?
b.      Motivation
1.      The teacher will perform a simple demonstration entitled “Puffy Loon”.
The demonstration is all about inflating a balloon with the use of vinegar and baking soda.
2.      Before starting the demonstration, the teacher will ask the students this question;
a.       How can we inflate this balloon without manually blowing air into it?
3.      The teacher will then proceed with the demonstration. The following questions will be asked;
a.       What have you observed from that demonstration?
b.      What made the balloon to inflate?
c.       What are the two substances used in the demonstration?
c.       Presentation of the Topic
1.      The teacher will present the topic “Acids and Bases”.
2.      The students will be asked with the following questions:
a.       What is an acid?
b.      What is a base?
c.       How do we know whether a substance is an acid or base?

d.      Lesson Proper
1.      The students will be grouped into 5 groups in preparation for an activity.
2.      The students will conduct an experiment entitled Red Corner, Blue Corner. The objective of the activity is to let the students identify which substance is an acid or base through the litmus paper test.
3.      The teacher will then process the activity by asking the following questions;
a.       What substances turned the blue litmus paper into red? What common characteristics do they possess?
b.      What about the substances that turned the red litmus paper into blue? What common characteristics do they possess?
4.      The teacher will proceed with the lesson inputs of the topic.
I.                   ACIDS
a.       What is an acid?
Ø  An acid is a solution that has an excess of H+ ions. It comes from the Latin word acidus that means "sharp" or "sour".
Ø  The more H + ions, the more acidic the solution
b.      Properties of an Acid
Ø  Tastes Sour
Ø  Conduct Electricity
Ø  Corrosive, this means they break down certain substances. Many acids can corrode fabric, skin and paper
Ø  Some acids react strongly with metals
Ø  Turns blue litmus paper red
c.       Uses/Examples of Acids
Ø  Acetic Acid = Vinegar
Ø  Citric Acid = lemons, limes, & oranges. It is in many sour candies such as lemonhead & sour patch.
Ø  Ascorbic acid = Vitamin C which your body needs to function.
Ø  Sulfuric acid is used in the production of fertilizers, steel, paints, and plastics.
Ø  Car batteries
II.                BASES
a.       What is a base?
Ø  A base is a solution/substance that has an excess of OH- ions.
Ø  Another word for base is alkali.
Ø  Bases are substances that can accept hydrogen  ions/
b.      Properties of a Base
Ø  Feel Slippery
Ø  Taste Bitter
Ø  Corrosive
Ø  Turns red litmus paper blue
c.       Uses/Examples of Bases
Ø  Bases give soaps, ammonia, and many other cleaning products some of their useful properties.
Ø  The OH- ions interact strongly with certain substances, such as dirt and grease.
Ø  Chalk and oven cleaner are examples of familiar products that contain bases.
Ø  Your blood is a basic solution.

III.             The pH  Scale
Ø  pH is a measure of how acidic or basic a solution is.
Ø  The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14.
Ø  Acidic solutions have pH values below 7
Ø  A solution with a pH of 0 is very acidic.
Ø  A solution with a pH of 7 is neutral.
Ø  Pure water has a pH of 7.
Ø  Basic solutions have pH values above 7.
        e.    Enrichment/Follow-Up Activity
1.      With the same groupings, the students will be given different pictures of daily     household items. Each group will be given different set of pictures.
2.      The students will classify the pictures into Acidic or Basic by pasting the pictures in a manila paper.
3.      The students will then present their work and also discuss the use of every item in daily life.

f.       Generalization/Summary
1.      To summarize the lesson, the teacher will ask the students these question;
a.       What are the differences between acids and bases?
b.      How can we determine whether a substance is an acid or a base?
c.       What is the importance of acids and bases in our daily life?

     IV.       Evaluation/Assessment

Directions: This is a matching type test. Match column A with column B. Write the letter of your choice                      on the space provided before the number.

               Column A                                                                                             Column B

_____ 1. Acid                                                                    a. substance that has an excess of OH- ions.
_____ 2. Base                                                                    b. a measure of how acidic or basic a    
                                                                                               solution is.
_____ 3. pH Scale                                                              c. substance that has an excess of H+ ions.
_____ 4. Indicator                                                              d. substance that has an excess of He+ ions.
_____ 5. Neutralization                                                      e. an acid and a base react to form water
                                                                                                and a salt
                                                                                            f. substances whose solutions change color                                                                                                 due to changes in pH.


       V,       Assignment

1.      Research about acid rain and answer these following questions;
a.       What is acid rain?
b.      What causes acid rain to develop?
c.       What are the harmful effects of acid rain to the environment?
d.      How can we prevent acid rain?
