Law of Motion - LP
Students often find physics to be challenging, however, this set of hands-on activities allows students to explore Isaac Newton's Laws of Motion in a fun, problem-solving atmosphere. Students will learn about Isaac Newton, complete a set of hands-on activities and then discuss what they learned as a class.
Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to:- Identify which of Newton's Laws is being represented
- Give an example of a scenario that represents one of the three laws
- State each of Newton's Three Laws of Motion
In this lesson plan, students will do the following:- Briefly discuss what they know about Isaac Newton
- Read about Newton's Three Laws of Motion
- Complete stations that show each of Newton's Three Laws of Motion
- Discuss which law was represented at each station
Begin by asking students if they've ever heard of Isaac Newton. On the board, write down everything the students already know about him. Both incorrect and correct Newton facts can be added. Spend a few minutes talking about Isaac Newton (crossing off the incorrect Isaac Newton facts). Spend a few additional minutes going over each law before students begin the station activity, giving an example of an everyday occurrence that represents the law.
Students will work in groups of 2-3 and will do the following at each station:
- Complete the task
- Write observations in their science journal
- Make a prediction about which law is being depicted
After the stations have been completed, the teacher can ask for a consensus for each station (which law was being shown). The class can discuss clues they looked for that helped them make each decision.
The following class period, give students the Quiz to check for understanding. These stations can also be completed as demonstrations for younger grade levels.
Station 1: Balloon on a String
Seven balloons (one/group)A string, which is taped to two points in the room
A straw, which the string is fed through
Tape the balloon to the strawBlow up the balloon (do not tie it)
Release the balloon
Throw away the balloon
Teacher Notes: the balloon should travel along the string. This represents Newton's Third Law.
Station 2: Spilled Water
A cupWater
Fill a cup of water to the brimBegin walking down the hall, make a turn, and then stop abruptly
Clean up the spilled water with the towel
Teacher Notes: water should spill at various points in the course due to inertia. This represents Newton's First Law
Station 3: Accident
A toy car, which can fit a 'rider'Some sort of rider (doll, Barbie, GI Joe)
A ramp (books, a piece of wood)
Something at the end of the ramp that will stop the car abruptly (book)
Release the car and rider down the rampRepeat, this time placing an obstacle in the way so the car comes to an abrupt stop
Teacher Notes: The doll should fly out, representing Newton's First Law
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